I'm a little disappointed in how light it is, but I think that's because the skin on my head is not as thick and dead as on hands and feet (my usual henna locations). As comparison, look at Cara's foot:
I'm also sharing pics of the girls' hair. Cara said she WOULD shave her head for me, but wondered if I'd be okay with her just coloring it for me. So I bought a kit to bleach and color with purple, and she and Mira both did it last week. I *love* the colors!

The last week has been both nice and challenging. It was wonderful to have Cara home and she was so very helpful with everything--cooking, driving, entertaining, etc. But the combo of my cold and chemo has really knocked me on my butt. I am exhausted most of the time. I also am having vision problems. One of the side effects of several chemo drugs is swelling of the tear ducts, that results in excess tear production. I definitely have that! Add in sensitivity to light and general eye blurriness and it's really kind of unpleasant. I spend a lot of time resting my eyes, which (when exhausted) results in naps. Yesterday was one of those days. I've also had the steroids increased to counteract the drop in platelet counts, so my sleep is off.
Friday the kids and I went to the Art Museum. We were disappointed to find that all but the special exhibit was closed for renovation. But it took an hour to walk through the special exhibit and the supplementary exhibits (videos and images of the permanent collection), which ended up being a perfect amount of time for me to be out. All three of my kids have been fortunate enough to participate in Junior Art Docents, so we stop to visit their chosen pieces every time we're at the Art Museum. Trav's was the only one that was on display this time, though, so we had to take pics of the girls by the photos of their pieces. :)
Today I felt a little better. Cara left to get back to the Twin Cities at 9:00, so we were all up "early" to do Easter stuff. It's still fun to watch the kids do the egg hunt--even when they have found all the good spots from the last 13 years. :) I took a short bike ride with Mira & Trav this afternoon, and then ended up doing a bit of yard work. It felt good to dig in the dirt and smell the fertile soil. Bulbs are popping up all over the place and I think a little rain will bring some blossoms.
I've done a lot of cooking (and eating) this weekend, too. We did Easter dinner on Friday since Cara wouldn't be here today. But Mira got invited to a sleepover, and Travis to a guys' gaming night, and Greg had a meeting out of town, so Cara and I ate Easter dinner on Friday. It was good anyway (ham, Greg's mom's cheesy potatoes, butternut squash, asparagus, rolls). Today I made split pea soup with the ham bone to have for tomorrow's supper, along with ham salad with the rest of the ham. We baked S'mores bars and Cara made some awesome guacamole. The kids dyed Easter eggs on Saturday, so I made a batch of deviled eggs with bacon, jalapeños, cheese and wasabi. I made a Mediterranean bean dip for the Healthy Snack swap at work tomorrow. And we went out with Greg's parents for Cara's birthday last night. Lucky Liu's salt and pepper catfish was fantastic! I guess I'm still happy that I haven't lost my appetite!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with family. That's the very best part!
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