My chemo regimen is/was 4 AC's every 2 weeks and 12 TH's every week. So whether you are counting number of infusions or weeks, I'm over half done either way. Woo hoo!
This was the week I didn't have to see Dr. Shah--only the nurse. Unfortunately, my blood counts all dropped and they wanted to check/count them manually, so the time I saved by not seeing Dr. Shah was eaten up by waiting for lab counts! Numbers were:
Platelets: 88 thou/mcL
Abs # neut: 1.9 thou/mcL
WBC: 3.1 thou/mcL
Hemoglobin 9.8 gm/dL
My chemo buddy was Laura, who actually took a day off of work to chauffeur me around. We had a great time catching up over lunch and while waiting for my lab results. :)
She was an especially good sport since the Benadryl hit me pretty quickly and I actually fell asleep this time. :(
I seem to be developing a pattern whereby the Benadryl knocks me out during and shortly after chemo. I get home, manage to eat a little supper, then crash (nap) for a few hours. When I wake up, the Benadryl seems to have worn off and the steroids kick in. The last couple Thursdays, I've felt awesome all day. Here's hoping that holds for tomorrow as well!
Last Friday I wore the wig in public for the first time--to a graduation party held at Zilber for the Fall and Spring grads.
My friend Bailey got me the coolest print at a local art fair. The print, and others like it, are on the website

Mira did "Run the Bay"--a 5K fundraiser for our public school district. I'd hoped to run it with her, but I have been very short of breath and tired lately--my attempts at running have not been good. She did amazing (24:30) for not really running much since last fall.
Travis won an award from the high school tonight--Outstanding Junior Math Student! He also got a pin for another year on the varsity Math Team.
And Cara is on her way across the state now, to be home for the summer. Greg is a champ, as he left home at 6:30 this morning, drove to the Twin Cities, moved stuff for Cara, then packed the CRV to the top to move her home. I expect they'll be here sometime shortly before midnight.
I haven't posted knitting pics for awhile. I've been too tired to knit much more than in the waiting room. I haven't made it to Night Knitting for a few weeks, but now that my job at Mt. Mary is done for the year, I have Tuesday mornings free to knit with that group.
Here's hitchhiker with 38 of 42 teeth:
And Travis' socks are almost done:
I'm ready to finish both of those projects and move onto something new.
I've also pulled out the sewing machine and am trying to find a decent pattern for a lightweight chemo hat/scarf/turban thing. I've pinned a few patterns and may try to play around with them.
And I'm caught up on Grey's Anatomy (through this season's finale) and we're on Season 3, episode 19 ("The Price") in Angel. It's going a bit slower, as my eyes get too tired and blurry to watch more than one episode a day.
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