Sunday, May 24, 2020

Day +19

I won’t keep blogging every day—just somewhat important days. But I figured many were curious about my counts and if I made the right choice in going home yesterday.

I’m not sure what did it—my new marrow taking hold, the Neupogen shot, my biking friends screaming into the tunnel, all the visualizations and prayers being sent my way... But something  is definitely working!

WBC: 6.0 (from 0.8; normal is 3.9-11.2)

ANC: 5.34 (from 0.46; normal is 1.9-7.8)

HGB: 10.3 (from 7.8; normal is 11.3-15.1)

PLT: 28k (from 21k; still way below normal)

When the nurse called Dr. Pasquini, she said he was thrilled!

I now get to drop the prophylactic antibiotic and therefore can add more oral magnesium (They interfere with each other’s absorption). Hopefully that will eliminate (or at least minimize) the number of mag infusions I’d need.

Now I just need those platelets to kick in so I can get back on my bike!


  1. That's great news! As soon as you're up for it I would love to go for a ride. I'm not on Facebook really so I usually miss out on all the planned rides. Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather today!

  2. WOW! Speechless. Those counts are AMAZING!!! Woo Hoo!
