Saturday, November 21, 2015

Tamoxifen, take two

Though I am not a fan of snow, it's kind of nice to be "snowed in" today with the whole family.  Mira was up early and made pancakes from scratch for us all.  I had eggnog in my coffee this morning, deciding to embrace the snow instead of despise it, and I'll spend much of the day correcting papers, reviewing a book chapter and planning the rest of my semester of teaching.

This week I had another Herceptin infusion and #4 of 6 immunizations in my clinical trial.  Nothing new to report there--same immunization-related reaction (chills, low grade fever, exhaustion) on the day after my appointment.  Same itchiness and redness at the site of the intra-dermal injections.  It's been three months since my last one, so I get another MUGA scan of my heart, too.

At my appointment with Dr. Shah this week we discussed the Tamoxifen situation.  She *really* wants me on it (or another estrogen blocker) and does NOT want to put me on Lupron (which is a GnRH agonist resulting in blocking estrogen production), which would be necessary to try aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex).  She doesn't want to do Lupron because the side effects are similar to those I've been having with Tamoxifen, and then if you add in another med (Arimidex) and its potential side effects, you're kind of asking for trouble.  However, she did say that she would consider switching me over after one year (previously said two years).  I told her I could put up with the pain for a year, but she suggested we try something else instead.  So I'm on a half dose of Tamoxifen now to see if the side effects come back.  The plan is that if they don't (fingers crossed), then she will titrate me up to a full dose--possibly split between evening and morning--and maybe I'll tolerate it better that way.  

I've also started a low dose of Effexor (an antidepressant used off-label to combat hot flashes) in hopes that I won't be woken up so many times in the middle of the night due to the hot flashes.  I'm not sure if they've gotten worse since adding the Tamoxifen, or if it's worse with the temperatures dropping (so I'm constantly veering between boiling and freezing), but I thought I'd try to see if I could get some relief.  I should know within a week if it's working.


In other news, I've been at my new job two weeks now.  I love it!  Almost everything about it is completely new--including all the terminology and acronyms--and my brain is getting quite a workout, but it's really, really cool!  I'm ridiculously giddy every time I get a physical reminder of how I'm now part of the team (got my business cards, my name got added to the phone system, I ordered tops with the health department logo on them, got my ID picture taken). I work in a village hall (in one of the 7 communities covered by the health department) and it reminds me so much of my mom's work environment at the Iron County courthouse.  Everything about it--from the police department being housed right there (but behind locked door--they even have the good soda vending machine) to the break room--makes me smile to think how my life's changed since then.  It gives me a nice sense of comfort to have the familiar in the midst of all the new.


I'm looking forward to seeing Cara this week for Thanksgiving.  The stretch from August to Thanksgiving is always so long.  I get Thursday and Friday off of work, so we will do some Black Friday shopping.  And we'll be having turkey with Greg's family for the first time in several years, and that will be fun.  


Mom's house is ready to be listed.  The realtor will be coming to take photos tomorrow and it should go on MLS on Monday.  It looks awesome.  I'll be sure to post the link on Facebook when it's released.  My brother came down last weekend to help move the rest of Mom's things up North (including her motorized recliner).  Although he drove down, loaded up, and turned right around to head home, it was nice to see him, however briefly.

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