Friday, January 1, 2016


I've been meaning to post for several weeks now, but life kind of took off and dragged me behind it...

However, TimeHop reminded me that a year ago was when I started this blog.  Prior to that, I'd only told a few close friends (and family) about my diagnosis, but I definitely went public with the creation of the blog.  Once again, the outpouring of support was awesome--and I'm so happy I decided to be public through it all.

So since the last time I posted, a few more things have happened.

I finished the immunization part of my clinical trial (will still have boosters every 6 months four more times).  This is exciting for two reasons.  First, it will cut my every-three-week Herceptin appointments in half time-wise.  Secondly, I'll be able to stop taking the preventative Claritin doses.    I don't remember if I shared how the immunizations are given. I get (got) 4 intradermal doses in my left thigh.  That's like the TB test where they put a bubble of liquid under the skin.  This is what they look like about 15 minutes after they're given.

Over the next 24 hours, the redness fades, then comes back unbelievably itchy!  

I'm also at the 9 month point in my 12 month Herceptin course.  That's good because at least one preliminary study showed similar efficacy of 9 months of Herceptin and 12 months, so even if I were to develop side effects that prevent me from completing the full course, I've gotten in the majority of treatment (and there's no sign of heart issues--my last MUGA scan in November actually showed improvement of heart function--68%--from the one done after chemo--56%).  

I no longer need blood work done at every appointment.  This last week Dr. Shah did some to check on a more routine basis.
WBC:  3.9K/mcL
Platelets:  85K/mcL  (low, but about normal for me)
Hemoglobin:  11.9 gm.dL (just barely low--pretty good for me!)

I've also been able to successfully titrate up to the full dose of Tamoxifen (20 mg/day) without the side effects I had when I first started it.  I've been splitting the dose and taking half in the morning and half at night, but I'm hoping to try to combine them into a single dose a day.  I hate having to remember pills twice a day.

The Effexor experiment was a terrible failure!  It's supposed to help with the side effects of taking Tamoxifen (hot flashes, mainly).  I think it was helping with that, but it had its own side effect of spiraling me down into a pit of anxiety!  The same thing happened when I tried a different anti-depressant (Wellbutrin) several years ago, so I'm thinking that I don't do well with non-SSRI antidepressants.  Unfortunately, SSRIs interfere with Tamoxifen.  On the bright side, though, I haven't needed one.  Fingers crossed that it keeps up through the winter.  I have my Happy Light at the ready just in case.  :)  


I am now down to a single (full-time) job.  As much as I loved teaching, putting that on top of learning a new job was a bit stressful.  I do hope to be able to teach again in the not-too-distant future, but am enjoying some time off now.


I've really enjoyed having nights and weekends free (see above) to hang out with my friends and family again.  Cara is home for the whole month of January, which is great.  We've spent a lot of time playing goofy family games (if you haven't checked out,  I highly recommend it!  You need an Xbox, PS or Steam account and a bunch of smart phones or tablets to play).  It's nice to also have time to cook--which I find very relaxing.


And I've been knitting more again.  While moving Mom's stuff out of her house, I came across all her knitting stuff.  I'm working on "busting her stash" (that's knitting talk for using up the un-used yarn she had) and trying to finish some of her UFO's (unfinished objects).  I love my Thursday night knitting group (email or message me if you want to join us and I'll send you details). I've been on a dishcloth kick lately.


Finally, I plan to try to get my weight under control with this new year.  I am ashamed to say that I have gained almost 35 lbs. over the course of my treatment.  I know it won't be easy to drop all that weight (possibly impossible, given that I'm now "post-menopausal" which makes weight loss a lot harder), but I feel generally yucky being this heavy.  I'm not going to focus so much on the weight loss, but on becoming healthier with exercise and hoping the weight goes with it.  I've stopped running and want to get back to that.  I also want to start yoga, but am not sure when or where or how to fit it in.  I'm open for taking walks anytime, anywhere, as that's always an easy way to bring in exercise.  And I'm open to FitBit challenges from anyone.  


Here's to an amazing 2016 for all of us.  I'm making Hoppin John with greens today to help insure that.   :)

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