Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Transplant update

It's been awhile since I've given an update on the transplant process.

First of all, I want to share that 96 people have signed up under my code--online or through one of the two bone marrow drives. I know that many of you signed up when I first learned about Be The Match, and before I had a code (LorisLegion), so the number of adds to the registry is likely even higher. If you (or one of your kids) signed up before my code, but because of my prodding, please let me know. I would love to have a better count of how many new registrants we've brought in. :)

The donor match process has been long. Although I was told that I shouldn't worry because given my background it was extremely likely they'd find me a good match, it seemed that everything was taking longer than I'd expected (and certainly longer than I'd hoped).

Over a month ago I heard from the Froedtert transplant coordinator that they'd identified three perfect matches in the registry and that the next step was to bring them in for additional testing. Two weeks ago I had not heard anything, so I called her. Unfortunately none of those three panned out--one was unreachable (had moved, maybe?) and the other two either had test results that didn't make them a good match, or they changed their mind. So it was back to the drawing board, although she said that  they had another three potential matches identified, and that all three were reachable and had scheduled appointments for the follow-up confirmatory testing, but she didn't have results back yet.

Last Friday I again checked in and was told that all three attended their confirmatory testing appointments, but she didn't have the results back. She also explained that the transplant team met weekly on Tuesdays to make donation decisions. So since it was already Friday afternoon and she hadn't received the results, unless they came in on Monday, I should expect to hear something the NEXT Tuesday (March 3rd). I know it's not a race, but I can't help but worry as time goes on.

Today, shortly after the weekly meeting, the coordinator called me and informed me that they have identified both a primary and a back-up donor. That means that they have both made it through the testing and understand the timeline, which fits into their life. I immediately broke down. I am completely overwhelmed by the emotions I'm feeling--alternating huge smiles and sobs--thinking about the generosity of this person. All I know is that the primary donor is in their early 20's (here's why that matters), international, and also matches on my blood type. If all goes well and they are open to it, two years after the transplant we might be able to connect.

When I think back to late November, I wasn't sure I'd ever even leave the hospital. There were so many obstacles thrown my way, and every one of them read "unfavorable." Many of those still exist and I'm not through it yet--not even through the worst of it. But this is at least symbolically a big hurdle and a leap towards hope. I am feeling so very hopeful!


  1. omg i am so happy for you. this is going to be a good year for you

  2. Feeling that huge sense of relief with you. So happy you received this news and can take one worry off of your mind. Here is hoping you just keep getting good news.

  3. I'm so happy to hear this for you - yay! Let me know how I can help

  4. High five, victory lap and jump around!!! All at the same time, of course.

    So happy that Be The Match has an "heir and a spare" for you.

    Onward, girlfriend!!!

  5. So happy for you! I admire your honesty and attitude! Prayers and hugs for continued success.

  6. That is Awesome have a wonderful day just enjoying the good news.

  7. Yeah! We will share your joy and pray a word of blessing on the next steps! Go steam Lori, yeah!

  8. Smiling and crying simultaneously!
    I am so overjoyed Lori.....
