Thursday, March 19, 2020

Surprise Perks (another COVID-19 post)

As many of you saw on Facebook, my platelets appear to be rebounding (WOO HOO!) and I didn't need a platelet transfusion today. Unfortunately my other counts are still dropping. C'mon neutrophils!!!

Platelets: 33K (21K on Monday; need to be 50K to bike again)
Hemoglobin: 10.8 (11.0 on Monday)
White blood cells: 0.8 (1.4 on Monday), and absolute neutrophils not back yet, but certainly low.

I said something to my nurse about being happy that I didn't need platelets since I knew that blood donations had dropped off and she said that she and so many of her colleagues had heard the call and donated that it wasn't as dire of a situation as it was two days ago. Thank you, health care workers, for going above and beyond in so many ways. You are truly the super heroes in all this. (As are the public health workers, first responders, grocery store employees, truck drivers and all of you who are in the "essential workforce" group.) You are awesome!

And to the rest of you who weren't able to donate blood this week--please consider doing it next week. Or the week after. Let's keep it going for however long it takes.


I am certainly as put out over this worldwide pandemic as the rest of you, but I was thinking about some of the surprise benefits that have come with "everyone" being home.

  • Lots of my friends who'd left Facebook have returned! (I'd missed seeing your updates and hearing your voices in your posts)
  • There are more posts in general on Facebook, and since that's where I've gotten the majority of my social interaction for the last almost-four months, that's cool.
  • I have been introduced to Zoom and I am loving my Zoom coffees!

Stay safe, everyone--and stay home!

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