Thursday, August 27, 2020

Day +114

Tuesday was my lumbar puncture and when I left, Kim (the PA) told me that results would be in on Wednesday or maybe yet Tuesday afternoon. So when I didn't hear Tuesday or ALL DAY Wednesday, I was panicking. My assumption was that they had found something in my spinal fluid and were working to adjust things, scheduling appointments, and waiting to contact me until they had a full, modified plan in place. Silence... 

And then this morning, right before we headed out for family pictures, Kim called to tell me that THEY DID NOT FIND ANY LEUKEMIA IN MY SPINAL FLUID!

(So my smiles in the family photos are genuine.)

The other medical appointment, dermatology, was yesterday morning. I seem to have baffled both of the dermatologists (the resident and his supervisor). They ended up taking two punch biopsies (which didn't hurt during the process, but now are very ouchy as they're healing). They don't think it looks like leukemia cutis or like GVHD (although they'll test for both). The dermatologist said if she had to guess, it looked like some sort of reaction to medication, likely the Venetoclax. But unfortunately they don't have a test to determine which med--just the likelihood that it's medication-induced. Since I'm on five different meds now, that could be fun to figure out, too.

And I'll leave you with a quick teaser photo from our family picture session this afternoon:

I cannot tell you how happy I am to have my whole family together--even if it's only for a few hours.


  1. Best news!! Brings a huge smile to my face. Love the picture of the whole family. Celebrate!

  2. I've got tears of joy welling up in my eyes! What fabulous news! And I'm so glad your gang was all together to hear it as well as to gather for a treasured photo. Raising a glass to you tonight. Hugs, Linda

  3. *BIG sigh of relief*
    I’m with Linda on the tears part. You’ve been dealt such a hand Lori. I’m smiling that for once you caught a break. Keeping you in my ever positive thoughts❤️
