Thursday, December 19, 2019

Another stop on the bullet train

Last time I blogged, the plan was to get my neutrophils up (usually happens on about day 21; today is day 20) so I can be hit with the next regimen of chemo. (Thank you for positive neutrophil vibes--unfortunately they're still not back.)

Yesterday on rounds, the doctor said that sometimes with leukemia the red blood cells and platelets will rebound (mine are doing that, slowly and surely), but the white blood cells may not. This is particularly true when you initially present with a low white blood cell count and not a high one. (Also me.) And that if my neutrophils didn't rebound by this weekend, they would start on the new regimen while I was still in-patient, which would allow me to be watched closely for reactions and adverse effects for the first two days of treatment. They would then, if I was stable, allow me to go home in time for Christmas (!!!!!).

This morning on rounds, the doctor and NPs came in and the first thing they said was, "want to get started on Vidaza today?" I gave a resounding "yes" as the sooner I start, the sooner I'm fighting the leukemic bone marrow and the sooner I'm done with round one and (hopefully) the sooner I can go home. Dr. Sana said if I did okay today and tomorrow I could potentially be released tomorrow (Friday) night.

I know that things can still happen--I may react poorly to the chemo, spike a fever, have other things pop up... But the idea that I might be home tomorrow--TOMORROW--has made today a phenomenal day. And I've been quite bossy, saddling my family with a list of cleaning and shopping chores to prepare for me coming home.

My fingers are so tightly crossed that this goes as planned and I need only sleep one more night in this hospital bed. I'm almost afraid to say it out loud.

p.s. I haven't needed blood since December 11th or platelets since December 15th. I hope I keep holding my own, although I'm sure the new chemo will knock me down again. If I kept track of your postings on social media, I'm pretty close to having replenished what I used. At least of the blood--platelets are much harder. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Some good news, finally! The power of optimistic thoughts. Thinking of you often❤️
