Wednesday, June 3, 2015

6 of 12

Today was the halfway mark of my second regimen of chemo.  I know that this is the "milder" chemo, but I really don't like it!  I again had less Benadryl, but it was still enough to knock me out.  And I didn't get steroids, which is great--except I won't get the boost tomorrow and Friday, either!  I think I was more up-and-down when I was still taking the steroids.  Now it's just lower-level yuckiness for 6 days--and I feel pretty good Tuesday afternoon until I get chemo on Wednesday! Still, I'm happy to be taking so many fewer meds.  Six more of these.  Done by mid-July.  I can do this!  :)

My labs were good:
Platelets: 106 thou/mcL 
Abs # neut:  2.2 thou/mcL
WBC: 3.3 thou/mcL
Hemoglobin 9.9 gm/dL

My chemo companion was Cara.  She's still recovering from having all four wisdom teeth extracted on Monday, so was able to hang out with me (and watch me sleep!).

I hit a couple milestones cancer-wise this week.  First of all, I hit a point where I'm just sick of being a cancer patient.  I think I told Greg I'd had enough fun (lol) and I was done with it.  Cancer, despite my best attempts, has completely taken over my life.  I guess I knew that it would, and I know it's a limited amount of time, but I'm just so tired of it.  I'm exhausted--each week is noticeably worse.  I'm forgetful.  I have all sorts of little annoyances--the weepy eyes, the running and bleeding nose, horrible peeling cuticles that catch on everything.  And my eyebrows are falling out, which is more upsetting than losing any of the other hair I've lost.  I'm sick of wearing head coverings, but I don't feel comfortable going bald.  And I can't explain just how very tired I am--all the time now. <whine, whine, whine>

The second milestone is that the first friend of mine has been diagnosed with breast cancer after me.  I knew it would happen, given how common it really is, but for some reason, it still surprised me.  I only hope I can be as helpful to her as all my survivor friends have been for me.


I've enjoyed working on the Noro sweater this last week.  Unfortunately, chemo brain won out and it took me three tries to get the (simple) lace done on the bottom of the sweater, but I'm now into the section of just plain stockinette, so I should be good for awhile.  It's such beautiful yarn and changes colors quickly enough that I never get bored with it!

In addition, I can finally talk about a project I've been part of for several months now.  We've been working on a hope quilt for my childhood-cancer survivor friend Katie.  I haven't quilted in about ten years, and this is the first time I've had a pieced top quilted professionally.  Here's a picture of the finished quilt, with fabric squares contributed by many of Katie's friends:

I wish I had more time (and money) to do more quilting.  I have a box of clothing in my attic for my eventual Mother's quilt, but I don't know when I'll get that done.  Anyway, it was a really fun project.  


We also got a full-time live-in aide for Mom, and she started this Monday.  So far, I think it's going really well.  Kate is delightful!  She will be splitting time with another aide, who will start this weekend.  What is even nicer is that Kate (and the other aide, I assume) are willing to not only help Mom, but to cook for our family some nights, too.  I've been using way more convenience foods than I like to on the days I work full-time, so this will be such a great help.


And now I'm off to take a walk with Cara.  I have essentially given up running, as I have lost my energy.  I know it's a vicious cycle where I have no energy, so don't exercise, so I don't have energy, so I don't exercise... :)    I think I'm going to just get through the next 6 weeks of chemo, and then start C25K all over again.  Until then, I'm trying to walk at least a little every day.  

1 comment:

  1. Lori-Thanks for updating us with your posts, keeping us informed and education. Bless you on this incredible journey and pray you receive God's peace and comfort in times of exhaustion💖love Aunt Karen
