Wednesday, July 1, 2015

10 of 12

Two left, two left, two left...  I can do this!

Platelets: 101 thou/mcL
WBC: 3.0 thou/mcL

Hemoglobin 9.7 gm/dL

My friend Jean accompanied me today.  We started with a super fantastic lunch at Tochi, then what seemed like an extra quick chemo appointment.  I think it was a combination of having a lot to talk about, and the fact that I slept in till 9 am, so didn't fall asleep during the chemo!

I don't really have much to add about the treatments, since it's really just more of the same over and over.  I told Greg that I might make a list of all the little things bugging me, starting at the top of my head (hair loss, re-growth, itchiness) and down to the tips of my toes (pain from neuropathy), not to share, but just to remember this delightful time of my life.

I had my first OT appointment last Thursday and it was wonderful.  Audrey reassured me that we can get rid of this cording like we did the last time.  She also commented on how tight my whole shoulders are, and worked on them, too.  I'm eagerly awaiting my visit tomorrow!

So now a bit of an update on the job situation:

I know that not everyone prescribes to the "everything happens for a reason" philosophy, but it's worked pretty well for me.  In keeping with it, I got some news a few weeks ago that truly fits.  The dream job that I blogged about here--the one that put off my start date (supposed to be the week I had surgery in January) and then told me they had a hiring freeze?  Well, it turns out that they were "unable to create a sustainable practice on a largely Medicaid patient volume" and therefore will be closing their doors this month.  So had they allowed me to come on in February like I wanted, I'd now be without a job entirely.

On the other hand, the job that I *do* have--the one I love, which is half time and very accommodating and flexible, and with great people--gave me a contract that expired yesterday.  I am thrilled to report that today I got a new, one year contract--and a teeny hourly raise, too.  (Now I'm *almost* making as much as I was as a grad student)

I also found out about a part-time teaching position (one night a week in the fall) and I've applied for that, too.  If that works out, I'm hoping I'll have more energy by September than I do now and I would so love to be back in the classroom.

So yes, I think things do happen for a reason.

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