Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Day +14

I started the day getting blood, as my hemoglobin was 6.1 (maybe that's why I slept all day yesterday?). My white blood cells stayed at 0.3, and my neutrophils inched up a bit to 0.24. My mouth and throat still hurt, but I think they're a little better. Instead of feeling like I'm swallowing razors, it mostly feels like a pretty normal sore throat. Talking still hurts a lot, and I sound like a lifelong smoker when I do talk. I took a few bites of "solid foods" but most of my nutrition is still liquid.

Today was Dr. Chhabra's last day on rounds and I didn't get to see him yesterday after my counts went up. He was excited that I've turned the corner and said my mouth and throat should feel better very soon. He explained/reminded me that the neutrophils job is to seek out inflammation and repair it, so the first neutrophils made by my new marrow went right to work, repairing my mucositis. It's only after they do that work that we see some also in the blood. So even though my levels are pretty low in the blood, it's obvious that they're being made and working correctly. Then I asked him at what neutrophil level I would be allowed to go home and he said usually about 0.5. He said that if all goes well, he could imagine me being released on Friday. My jaw dropped.

I still have a lot of work to do--mainly around getting myself weaned off the IV for meds and being able to take all of them orally. I also have to be able to eat and drink and maintain adequate nutrition. I have to be able to manage pain and stay awake more than a few hours at a time. I have to keep from spiking a fever or worsening in any way. But it gives me hope.

My meal trays come with various little notes of encouragement from the
chaplaincy. I got this same card both on my breakfast and lunch trays today...

Today was day four, which meant a caps change and a few hours without the IV tether (I already am weaned off supplemental fluids through IV since I can drink some). I showered and walked. I am determined to build up some strength that I've lost over the last few days so that I can get home and do more than flop around.

On my walks around the floor I witnessed a few things. First I saw several family members outside of a patient's room. (Visitors are only allowed in for end-of-life; discussion supported that.) Secondly, I overheard nurses talking about the hospital beds filled with ED admissions after opening things up in the State. Third, one of the other patients doing laps at the same time was wearing a Reagan-Bush 84 t-shirt. I really have to get out of here!

1 comment:

  1. It would be so amazing if you got to go home Friday! I am glad your throat is feeling better.
