Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Medical appointments--and knitting

I had my one week follow-up with the plastic surgeon and either I misunderstood, he forgot what he'd told me, or the plans changed when my repair surgery became more intensive (think it's the last of these).  So I did NOT get my stitches out and I did not get "embiggened."  :)  BUT I am healing very well and am cleared for starting chemo next week.  So if all goes well when the stitches come out on Tuesday, and my blood counts are high enough on Wednesday, I will start infusions Wednesday around lunchtime.

The other thing is that I'm able to start running again next week.  I can use the elliptical this week if I want (it's NOT my favorite form of exercise), but it takes 6-8 weeks for sufficient integration of my tissue into the AlloDerm following surgery, so to be safe, no running before 8 weeks.  The last time I ran was January 7th, so I'm wondering if I'm going to have to re-do the whole C25K program from the start again.  Of course, given the horribly long stretch of temps not getting above freezing, I may not want to run--at least not outside, even next week.


Finally, it's been awhile since I posted knitting updates.  I've been working on all three projects to a certain extent.  Trav's socks are slow-moving, as they're my totally brainless knit:

I'm really enjoying Hitchhiker.  I waited so long for the plastic surgeon (before my five minute appointment) that I was able to knit three notches worth on it--11 of the 42.  That was also long enough for me to finally memorize the 8 row repeating pattern!  I like the way the yarn (an old Knit Picks sock yarn) is pooling.

And then there's the recovery cardigan.  I'd taken some time off from knitting it, as it's not portable.  But this weekend I had time to knit at home and this pattern has sucked me back in!  Back, both fronts, and about 1 1/3 sleeves are done.

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