Saturday, February 28, 2015

Request for help

From the very first day we started telling people about my diagnosis, we were completely blown away by the love, support, and offers of help from everyone.  I've blogged about it earlier, and I cannot say how many times I thanked people, said we were absolutely fine now, but there might come a time when we'd need help.  Well, here I am, asking for some.

Thursday I met with my friend Kristin who *just* (as in this week) finished her last infusion of Herceptin, after two rounds of chemo (similar to mine).  Her hair is back, and she is so full of life and joy that it was wonderful for me to grab coffee with her and to drink in all her wonderful tips (some of which have been added to this post).  One of the things that she said was most useful was to have friends with her during each chemo treatment.  She said she was well known by the oncology nurses when she'd arrive with friends and they'd ask her if she wanted to be put in the "party room."  This made me smile.  Additionally, she shared that during one infusion, she had a bad reaction and if her friend hadn't been right there to see how serious it was, it could have been much worse.  She also found that sometimes the chemo affected her vision and so she really appreciated having someone else drive her there and back.


Given that my chemo is scheduled for Wednesdays, which is a day that Greg teaches, I'm in search of some good friends to keep me company on my chemo days.  I realize it's a long day (likely 2 1/2 to 4 hours) and not do-able for everyone.  I also will have a total of 16 chemo infusions (I'm not counting the Herceptin alone, which I should be able to do all on my own), so it's a lot to ask.  This week it's 10:30 to about 2:30 and I plan to schedule it for afternoons in the future (1-4ish?).  The infusions are at Water Tower Medical Commons, across the street from Columbia-St. Mary's Milwaukee.  I promise to bring knitting and books and other things so you don't have to entertain me the entire time!

If I actually get started this week, and no weeks are delayed for any reasons, these are the dates I'm looking at:

3/4 (10:30-2:30)
4/1 (Cara's spring break--hopefully she'll come along)
(not sure if there's a week off here or not)
7/15 (depending on if there's a week off between regimens)

So if you happen to be free and want to be my chauffeur, email me with some dates you think would work (and your cell phone number if I don't have it).  

And, as always, THANK YOU!

p.s. All pieces of the cardigan are knit and I'm currently in the process of knitting the attached collar.  Wow, are there a lot of stitches (257, to be exact)!

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