Monday, February 23, 2015

New 'do

For most of my life, I've hated my hair and done an elaborate back-and-forth with short hair and long hair; curly and straight; colored and natural; bangs and no bangs...  The last several years, I've fallen into a very simple, medium, able-to-be-pulled-back-into-a-pony-tail length cut and I swore I would never again do bangs, as it's such a pain in the ass to grow them out afterwards.  But in about a month, I will likely have NO hair (certainly very patchy hair), and so I thought it was one more chance to try bangs with little risk!  Furthermore, I have several friends who went dramatically short relatively recently (most notably Susan and Chris) and I *love* their short hairdos, so I thought I'd try it.

As usual, I don't like it.  BUT it's kind of growing on me, too.  I'm sure I just need to learn to style it (any helpful tips very welcome!), but it throws me every time I look in the mirror!


On Saturday, I finally took off the bandage and looked at my surgical scar.  It's actually not much wider than the original scar.  It's 11 stitches, very straight and neat, and SO MUCH easier to take care of than the open wound.  :)  I see Dr. Sterkin tomorrow afternoon and he had said he might even take the stitches out then.  Fingers crossed for fantastic healing!

I spent some time working on my recovery cardigan this weekend.  I finished the right front and started a sleeve.  I was sure I'd never get it done in time to wear it this year, but with the insanely-long, cold winter (it was -15 this morning at our house), I might actually get to wear it.

And we had a fun (and delicious) night last night--the make-up party for our Super Bowl party that was semi-cancelled due to the blizzard.  We called this the "Soup-er Bowl" and had a soup and bread and dessert potluck.  I think I could eat soup every meal of every day and never tire of it!  We had creamy asparagus soup, chicken with homemade noodle soup, Hungarian mushroom soup, and (the surprise hit) dill pickle soup.  We also had this beautiful traditional Eritrean bread, crackers, pizza, spinach salad, gingersnaps and brownies.  Everything was delicious and it was fun to catch up with people we had missed three weeks back.

Today starts my time at work without my lifeline, Darcie.  Part of the reason I have the LTE position is because she will be on maternity leave and that begins today, after a week of my being trained.  <gulp> 

And now I'm off to OT, which I will miss terribly when it's done.  The major issue continues to be the cording in my right armpit.  Every day I hope that it will just magically release.  Maybe today will be the day...   :)


  1. Lori-I love your new "do". Focus is now on your beautiful eyes!!!!��

  2. You look absolutely gorgeous! It's very flattering to the shape of your face making your cheek bones more prominent. You look feminine. The bangs draw attention to you big beautiful eyes and full eyebrows. Very stylish.
