Saturday, January 17, 2015


Since Nancy asked what I was knitting, I figured I'd take the opportunity to share what projects I have going.

I started a pair of socks for Travis in December, during my mom's last hospital stay.  My goal is to get them past the heel turn before starting chemo so that they can be my "take with" project.  The best thing about knitting socks is that they're so small, lightweight, and portable.  I have developed my own sock pattern by merging my favorite techniques from several patterns.  I prefer to use funky yarns and a very plain pattern (just knit--not cables or such) because I do usually take the socks along to work on when I'm doing other things and don't have the ability to focus on a complicated pattern.  Today I actually got to the point where I can start the heel turning.  Yay, me!  :)

The other thing I'm not yet working on, but looking forward to is this cardigan:

I had posted how beautiful it was on Facebook a few weeks ago and a group of Facebook friends (many who do not even know each other--I'm not sure how they all pulled this off!) sent me the yarn to knit it.  Surprisingly I was missing a size 13 needle, but got an Amazon gift certificate from another friend, so ordered that.  As soon as I have the socks past the heel, I'm going to start my recovery cardigan.  It's super thick and will be so warm and comfy, but will decidedly NOT be a take-with project!

And much to my surprise, I received another beautiful gift of yarn from another set of friends.  I have five skeins of Noro Taiyo and the latest Noro magazine.  I have no idea what I will make from it, but Noro is so beautiful that I may just leave it as is for awhile so I can pet it and imagine all sorts of possible projects.  (And I'm open to suggestions from those of you who have experience with Noro color ways)

Today was a lot more normalcy.  I actually went to the mall for a bit because the temps were in the 40's and I decided to run errands with Greg instead of just walking around the block again.  I also helped (a little--very little) with making supper today.  

My complaints are minimal, but still annoying.  The compression bra that I need to wear post-surgery is causing some sort of rubbing irritation on my right side.  A lot of my whining about the drains and stitches pulling are in that area and when Greg got home, he told me that area is all red.  Ugh...  So glad I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon on Monday--hoping he can make a suggestion or let me switch to some other, less-irritating thing to wear.

1 comment:

  1. What yarn are you using for the socks? How many yards per skein? Thanks! Love the yarn...stripes
