Sunday, January 11, 2015

My talisman and day 3 of recovery

I had heard from numerous people that their recoveries from surgery, cancer, and/or other medical issues were made easier with visualizations and/or avatars.  I also was reminded of my blessing way with Mira, when my dear friends from all over the world contributed beads to make a beautiful necklace for me to wear during labor so I would feel their support and strength with me.

And then, the night before the surgery, when I had neither chosen an avatar, or requested something from a friend, my dear friend and neighbor Tracy gave me both.  My talisman is Joan of Arc--a complete badass if there ever was one!  She's on my right ankle now, and leading the fight.  


Today is day 3 post-surgery and I've hit the complainy stage.  Pain is well managed, I can move really well, I've fallen into a pattern with eating, drinking, taking all sorts of meds and vitamins, and am overall feeling pretty good.   Therefore it's the little things that are getting to me.  The tape holding my five drains in is itchy and sometimes pulls at the hairs on my body.  The drains are bulky and annoying.  I'm not sure whether to cut back on the percocet because I'm sick of feeling fuzzy, but don't know how bad the pain would be if I stopped it.   I'm sick of being homebound and walking "laps" in the living room.  I'm terribly dry and my skin is itchy all over, but I can't really use lotion or anything with open wounds.  I want to sleep on my side, but must stay on my back.  And I can't shower, so my hair looks and feels absolutely disgusting!  <wah, wah, wah, wah, wah>

But I am so happy that my complaints ARE just little things.  


  1. So glad you've hit this point! But do wish you could do something to feel more comfortable. Soon! Soon! Hang in there!! P&PTs!!

  2. Joan of Arc is perfect. Good that you had such an inspirational person in mind to help guide you through. I went the route of a talisman and had a four leaf clover on a bracelet (since I was born on St. Patrick's Day)...not sure it helped, but it didn't hurt! As for the hair, those of us who are washing it daily are getting dried out tresses with this terrible weather and dry heat, so you are sparing yours for a little while. It will be beautiful again soon. In the meantime, air those complaints! Good to get them out of your system. You deserve to complain!
