Sunday, January 4, 2015

*#$& you, Cancer!

I grew up in a family that didn't swear much.  I'm pretty sure that was due to my dad's influence, and I can only remember him swearing once or twice in my life.  I think my mom tended to use curse words a bit more frequently, and after Dad died, I even heard her use "the F-word" which, though I was in my 30's, still shocked me!

I'm pretty sure I had that junior high/middle school aged period of time where swearing was novel, and I have to admit that as my kids have gotten older, I'm a lot more loose with my words.  But I still don't use a lot of swears, so my first blog post here was perhaps a bit uncharacteristic.


When our kids were smaller, I was pretty adamant that we not swear around them, and that we correct them when they (inevitably) learned some of the more colorful terms.  However, Greg was equally adamant that they learn that swear words have their place, and that they are powerful words and if you're going to use them, you need to use them correctly and to be aware of their power.

Perhaps that's why my first thought (and possibly my first word) after getting my cancer diagnosis was, "Fuck!"  I have found tremendous power and release calling it "fucking cancer" and saying  "you've picked the wrong bitch" and using other equally colorful phrases.  I think I'm not alone, as a quick google image search of "fuck cancer" turned up pages and pages and pages of images.  LOL!

Yes, words have power, and I'm using all the power I can find to fight this thing.  Thank you to those who have chimed in.   :)

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